Leak-test on gas-powered vehicles

KFZ Dichtigkeitskontrolle The gas system of gas-powered vehicles must be checked at regular intervals. This happens within the framework of the repeated gas test (RGT), which follows the one-off gas system installation test (GST). As a rule, the repeated gas test takes place at the same time as the main inspection. The repeated gas test can, however, also be carried out independently of the general inspection, but must not be older than 12 months for the next main inspection.

A vehicles gas system can be checked at any time. This is particularly necessary after repair work on the gas system, after an accident or after the vehicle has been exposed to fire. All registered gas systems must be checked here. This test obligation also applies to gas systems in vehicles that are not approved according to the European regulation ECE R115.

During the main inspection of the vehicle, a gas system test carried out beforehand is recognized if it was not more than 12 months ago. In most cases, however, the main inspection and the inspection of the gas system are carried out together.

RGT checkpoints

  • Identification check of gas system and vehicle
  • Check the condition of the gas system
  • Leak test of the gas system
  • Fastening test and checking the correct installation of the individual components

Extraordinary repeated gas test

The extraordinary RGT is carried out in certified workshops after the maintenance or repair of the gas system as well as after an accident damage to the gas-powered vehicle.

Short version

For automotive workshops, the gas system installation test (GIT) and the recurring repeated gas test (RGT) and other gas system tests (GST) are decisive. RGT and GST are identical in the process. In addition to the audit companies, these tests can also be carried out by workshops, provided that the responsible persons and specialists can provide evidence of at least one day basic training (GST training).

When does a gas system test have to be carried out? When an main inspection is due. However, the gas system check can take place up to 12 months before the main inspection. After a repair of the gas system, after a fire or an accident, if the gas system has been damaged or impaired.

The following gas detection devices and gas measuring devices from Schütz Messtechnik can be used for these tests.

GP 2000 GPD 3000
GPL 3000 Gasmessgeraet GM 5
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